25 replies on “Sportfreunde Stiller and the german Team: 54 74 90 2010”

  1. Wegen mir müssen die nicht so Weltmeister werden wie die Italiener. Im Spiel um den dritten Platz sind sowieso die besseren Mannschaften : Portugal 2006, Uruguay 2010. Das war Fußball.

  2. @Lulitanaka: What a crap are you talking about?!?!? EspaÑa deserved the cup!!! We were simply the best and survived the grotesque dutch attitude in the final!!! Germany was good but we kicked them out in the semifinal….. so the REAL CHAMPION is EspaÑa!!!!! What the hell has the economy to do with the World Cup?!?!?!? The most important part (for me) is: ESPAÑA WORLD CHAMPION!!!! And everybody knows it!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  3. @Lulitanaka: What a crap are you talking about?!?!? EspaÑa deserved the cup!!! They were simply the best and survived the grotesque dutch attitude in the final!!! Germany was good but we kicked them out in the semifinal….. so the REAL CHAMPION is EspaÑa!!!!! What the hell has the economy to the World Cup?!?!?!? The most important part (for me) is: ESPAÑA WORLD CHAMPION!!!! And verybody knows it!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  4. spain was the winner because they have economic problems, but the REAL
    champion is GERMANY,everybody knows it!

  5. 2010 was sold to spain. Germany just let it. spain is just as weak as portugal or England

  6. i’ll translate the announcers: “… we have shown our superior german blood in defeating all who stand before us on the football pitch, let us rejoice by remembering the blood of the jew that once soaked the turf of our great stadiums.”

  7. Forget 2014 german friends!! 2014 BRASIL will be the WeltMeister!!!!!

    By the way, SportFreunde Stiller kicks ass!!! fucking awesome song!!!

    58 62 70 94 02 14

    werder wir SECHSFACH Weltmeister SEIN!!!

  8. Ich hoffe es wird auch eine 54,74,90,2014 Version geben.2014 muss es einfach klappen mit dem WM-Titel.

  9. leider reimt sichs nicht mit 2014, werds vermissen… geilstes fußball lied ever

  10. There were only two teams playing football:
    Uruguay and Germany
    they are the best teams in the world.

  11. 2014 wirds dann wieder was ..^^

    die spanier waren gut aber deutschland war besser wir haben besser gewonnen und die spanier immer nur so 1:0 ..

  12. @tripoliSG
    bin auch nicht deutsch aber ich hoffe schon das die es schaffen
    schone gruben von holland

  13. Ich kenn die gut 😉 Also die Sportis. Die sind total nett! So am Boden geblieben.

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