25 replies on “WM Eröffnungsfeier Helele mit Untertitel”

  1. Voll schön. Die Afrikaner sind so ein schönes buntes Volk. Echt toll gemacht ! ;D

  2. @matanelba hello, this is the FIFA World Cup 2010 Soccer Opening Ceremony with the song helele ,o)

  3. OMG this shit was soo funny i seriously didnt expect to find anything when i typed in HELELE for the search cuz HELELE in the Korean language means ‘heavily drunk’ haha!!

  4. who the fuck dont like that …. i think theese 5 persons arenot from this earth….

    beautiful opening ceremony

  5. Dont understand the lyrics ..but oh God its just a very very wonderful song…what a start Velile has given to the song…go on….

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